Innovative | Problem solver | Self-sufficient & team player

About me / My offer image
I offer your company and brand added value based on my versatile international background in various industries and organizations including strategic and operational planning and implementation of projects. My goals and level of ambition are always driven by customer benefit, and being able to be responsive and focused to their expectations of results, of both short-term and long-term efforts. From previous roles, I have gained extensive experience in having overall responsibility for the entire production chain from sketch/original concept to Art Direction/graphic design, to delegation and outsourcing of resources. I excel in using agile project management methods (including Scrum principles) to create materials for digital and print media across multiple channels and platforms. My strong networking and collaboration skills are evident in my contacts, both externally and internally. I am adept at managing time, budget, staff and other resources while ensuring strict adherence to deadlines.

In my spare time, I mostly devote myself to music and travel. For many years I have organised various types of events, successful clubs and concerts throughout Sweden and abroad as well collaborated with other organisers. I have booked artists and managed PR/marketing which has created long and successful professional relationships. I have a large global network in various industries and value the experience from my voluntary engagements highly.

Visit my LinkedIn Profile for CV and references.

Open to flexible employment including part-time/contract, based in Gothenburg (Sweden) + hybrid/remote.